Awesome news from our neighbours to the south! A federal judge ruled that proposition 8, the Californian bill passed in November 2008 banning same sex marriage, is unconstitutional!
We all know the Americans are a little backwards on some things (and I can say that 'cause I'm half American) but prop 8 really takes it to a new level. Now before everyone get's their knickers in a twist I'm not saying that all Americans are backwards. Some members of my family are American! But when you petition to amend the state constitution in order to define a word, that's just getting ridiculous. Leave it up to the people at Websters! It's their JOB!
In his ruling today, U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker stated that the state of California had no reason to discriminate against same sex couples, and that Prop 8 was based on mere moral disapproval.
Walker's ruling, while temporarily overturning Proposition 8, will inevitably be appealed and sent to the American supreme court.
While I am thrilled that prop 8 has been temporarily overturned, (I was exceptionally p-o'ed when I originally heard about Prop 8) it still disgusts me that there was a need for such a ruling. It is even more aggravating that it took nearly two years for the proposition to be overturned. (Yes I do realize that these things take time, however keep in mind that the ballot qualified on June 2nd 2008, and was enacted a mere five months later).
So why do the people of California feel that same sex couples are less deserving of the institution of Marriage? Why don't we let tell us:
So essentially their arguments boil down to nothing more than religion and slippery slopes. "If prop 8 fails then we may lose our religious freedoms". How is that any better than saying "If we let the gays get married then who know's what'll be next! People marrying dogs?"
I've heard too many arguments against same sex marriage to count, and none of them have been any more valid than the moon landing conspiracy theories, and predictions for 2012.
So let me set the record straight (perhaps the wrong choice of words, but no matter):
1. The institution of marriage is NOT simply about protecting couples who mean to procreate. There are plenty of couples who do not want or cannot have children, yet they all have the same right to get married. (if this were truly the case then the people of California should be petitioning to change the definition of marriage to "between two demonstrably fertile adults" and require everyone to prove their fertility before getting their marriage license. Though this would increase the number of opponents to the bill, so perhaps a smart move on their part)
2. Children are NOT better off in households with parents of both genders. Children will find role models for the gender not present in their parents through Grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, and close family friends.
3. It doesn't matter what your religious creed says, you do not have the right to dictate who gets married to whom. The constitutional right to freedom of religion does not mean that religious ideals should be allowed to impede on the rights of others. In fact the separation of church and state means that your religious biases should remain outside of the political forum.
4. Lastly, why are you so obsessed with what people do in the privacy of their own homes. All that these people want are equal rights, and to be treated like regular citizens. No one's sexual preferences should ever come into play when it comes to allowing people their rights.
I guess some of us have just never out grown running around the playground calling people gay.
"If Prop 8 fails, people will realize that we're intolerant idiots. And they'll start questioning whether our medieval morals should really be forced on rational people. Our churches and photographers may even be required to stop excluding people based on sexuality. Do YOU want to explain to YOUR CHILDREN that the gays are human on the same level as we are? That's just too confusing. Vote yes on Prop 8."